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How to Register Corporate or Partnership Name


Corporate or Partnership Name Registration

In registering your partnership or corporation with SEC, the first thing that should be done is to choose and reserve your corporate or partnership name.  In the past, reservation of the corporate name or the partnership name was done by going directly to the SEC. Using the SEC-iRegister, online reservation of your corporate or partnership name can be done through simple steps.

Visit SEC website

The first step is to go to the SEC website at  You will see several menus on top of the SEC website. Place the cursor on top of the Online Transactions tab and choose Reserve Company Name.  Click Proceed to enter the SEC-iRegister Facility.

Register at SEC-iRegister

If it is your first time to use the SEC-Register Facility, you will have to Sign Up.  When you Sign Up be prepared with your unique username and password since you will be using it when you login to the SEC-iRegister Facility.  The system will also ask you to enter a Secret Question and a Secret Answer.  Afterwards you will be asked to accept the terms and conditions of the SEC-iRegister Facility.

Choose Type of Company and Industry

Once you accept the terms and conditions of the SEC-iRegister Facility you need to select the type of company.  If you intend to register a corporation then you need to choose between stock or non-stock corporation.  If you intend to register a partnership then you need to choose among the following choices: General Partnership, Limited Partnership or Professional Partnership.  The next step is to choose the type of industry where your corporation belongs.  Make sure that you choose the right industry for your business.

Choosing Company or Partnership Name

When these steps have been done the system will ask you to enter your company name.  The system will check your proposed name if it contains offensive words, identical to an existing corporation or an internationally known foreign corporation, or if it is misleading.  If the proposed name fails any of these tests, you will have to change your proposed name until it passes all these tests.  If your proposed name is similar to the name of an existing registered corporation, you may have to add one or more distinctive words to the proposed name or to remove the words that make your proposed name similar to an existing corporation.

Duration of Reservation

After your proposed name has passed the tests, you will be asked to choose the duration of your reservation.  Below is the duration of the reservation of your proposed name and the required fee

Duration of the Reservation


30 days


60 days


90 days



Modes of Payment

You will also be asked to choose from among three modes of payment which are SEC Teller, UnionBank Teller, and Fund Transfer. Make sure that you pay the reservation within the period chosen.  Otherwise, your company name reservation will be forfeited.

Take Note of Reference Reservation Number

Make sure that you print your Reservation and take note of your Reference Reservation Number (RRN) before you go to the Union Bank or SEC for payment.

For more information about corporate or partnership name, read SEC Memorandum Circular No. 5

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